LCDR 150th Anniversary
September 28 & 29, 2024
“There is no Rock like our God.” 1 Samuel 2:2
Isaiah 51:1 to be used along with 1 Corinthians 10:4 “Look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug … and the rock was Christ.”

150th Anniversary Events
On Saturday night at the Morton Center, we had a delicious catered banquet followed by a program in which a historical slide show was shown, greetings were given from attending clergy, as well as special music from our own praise band and chancel choir. We ended the night with door prizes and fun!
LCDR Cookbook:
The Sesquicentennial Celebration Cookbooks are available and can be purchased from the church office at a cost of $15, please see Arrielle at the LCDR Church Office during business hours. Thank you to all who participated in creating this heirloom cookbook by submitting your favorite recipes. Don’t miss out on getting your own copy of this commemorative cookbook.

John Green Painting:
John Green has been commissioned to do a special painting of LCDR. Prints of his work are available for purchase for $40.
150th History Book:
The 150th Anniversary History book is HERE! This beautifully bound book contains 150 years of LCDR’s history. You may pick up your book in the church office Tuesday-Friday. Books will also be available during all Anniversary events. Cost of the book is $20.

150th Church Banner:
The commemorative Banner has been completed and will be viewable at our anniversary kick-off event at the Chapel Service. After this event, the banner will be hung in the Sanctuary. Thank you to Kathy Harms for all your hard work and to you and Bob for donating this special remembrance to LCDR.
Pentecost Doves:
The Doves were hung in our sanctuary through September 29th. Each dove represented a LCDR member (ages birth through 12th Grade). Thank you to Darcie Kringen, the SS Teachers, Pastor Jeff, John Pollman, Sandra Lamer, Ryan Lamer, and Sue Bredlow for getting this project completed and Doves hung!

Time Capsule Memories:
The time capsule captured key aspects of our history, our present time, and expresses our hope for the future. The time capsule will be sealed on December 31st. You still have time to add your memories!